[cloudstack-users:0218] FW: CloudStack Weekly News - 10 July 2013

Kimihiko Kitase Kimihiko.Kitase @ citrix.co.jp
2013年 7月 11日 (木) 08:04:57 JST


今週のApache CloudStackのWeekly Newsです

From: David Nalley [mailto:david @ gnsa.us] 
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 2:21 AM
To: Kimihiko Kitase
Subject: Fwd: CloudStack Weekly News - 10 July 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Joe Brockmeier" <jzb @ zonker.net>
Date: Jul 10, 2013 1:13 PM
Subject: CloudStack Weekly News - 10 July 2013
To: <dev @ cloudstack.apache.org>

(Note: Sending this to the mailing lists as blogs.apache.org is down for
the moment.)

The community is busy working on 4.2.0, and there's much to be done
before the release is ready. This week, we're taking a look at some of
the interesting discussions going on in the the community about the
next generation of Apache CloudStack, and functionality we can provide,
as well as procedural changes that everyone should be aware of.

##  News Moving to Wednesdays

To help get information out a little more timely to key discussions and
information that is going on in the community we are going to move the
publishing of the weekly news to Wednesdays, starting with this issue
on July 10th! If you'd like to help put the news together, please sign
up for the marketing @ cloudstack.apache.org mailing list and ask how you
can get involved!

##  Major Discussions

In this section we look at major discussions that have happened on the
CloudStack mailing lists. This is by no means a full summary of all
discussions on the lists, but we try to hit the highlights that are
relevant to the larger CloudStack community.

### 4.2 Status Update

Animesh Chaturvedi is tracking the [1]current status of the release.
Testing, bug fix work, and documentation should be targeted to complete
by code freeze on 7/28. Release is still on schedule to release by

  We are now just 3 weeks from ACS 4.2 code freeze on 7/29. We have
  around 400 open defects with 100+ blockers and critical and I expect
  another 200 new defects to come in. As a community we have been
  fixing roughly 100 defects per week, in order to clear up our
  backlog I request you to help out on aggressively fixing the issues.
  The unassigned issue list is available at
  [2]http://s.apache.org/BlH/. When you fix a bug in 4.2 please make
  sure it is also fixed in master.

  Given the debate on system template changes in last few days of 4.1
  requiring big testing effort and potential regression, I would like
  to see that as community we lock down system templates for 4.2
  pretty soon. If any changes are needed we should call it out now and
  get them resolved.

  As for bugs here is a summary for this week:

         Bugs      This Week                      Last Week
                   Blocker   Critical Major Total Blocker   Critical Major Total
   Incoming        8         10       28    50    11        34       24    72
   Outgoing        26        23       34    86    26        30       40    100
   Open Unassigned 7         49       129   222   6         49       119   184
   Open Total      25        84       232   403   25        80       218   385

     The status for features or improvement is depicted in table below

   New Features / Improvements Today Last Week
   Closed                      10    10
   Resolved                    59    57
   In Progress                 11    13
   Reopened                    1     1
   Ready To Review             1     1
   Open                        20    20
   Total                       102   102

### Swift Support in 4.2

On July 3rd, Edison Su reported that [3]support for Swift is broken due
to the object store refactor. There's been a fair amount of discussion
on how an extant feature could be broken without being exposed via
testing, and what should be done about it at this stage.

David Nalley says that "unplanned/unannounced deprecation of a feature
is a blocker IMO. It engenders a bad relationship with our users, and
strands them on previous versions with no good migration/upgrade path."
Chip Childers [4]says that "I believe that this was an honest mistake,
but we need to figure out what to do. I'm -1 on us saying 'we'll drop
Swift support'. If necessary, I'd say that we need to roll back the
object-store branch merge... I don't want to see that happen, though.
That's why I'm asking about the effort to fix it."

Chip [5]opened CLOUDSTACK-3400 as a blocker against 4.2 until Swift
support is fixed. Discussion about the bug continues.

### Closing 4.2 Resolved Defects

Sudha Ponnaganti [6]posted a list of 543 defects that are in resolved
state that need to re-validated, reopened or closed. Please look
through this list and check to see if you're assigned to any of these

  There are 543 defects in Resolved state and not closed. Please make
  sure that you validate and close the defect if you are satisfied
  with the fix. If there are issues with the fix, pl reopen the
  defect. Pl note that these need to be validated in 4.2 branch as all
  are fixed in 4.2 ( should be applicable for master as well). You can
  prioritize these based on the blocker, critical, major etc. As team
  is already done with the features, this is good time to close

### Coding Convention Reminder

As open source projects mature and add new participants, it's
occasionally necessary to send a gentle reminder of accepted
conventions in the community. For example, Alex Huang [7]opened a
discussion about the CloudStack coding conventions on July 2nd, saying
"Our [8]coding conventions have been going all over the place recently.
Please take a look."

He also proposed extending the 120 column limit to 180 columns.

  I recently was reading the following code. If it followed even our
  current coding conventions, this would have been 11 lines but it
  ends up to be 23 lines,
  more than doubled. The whole file was like this. Just thinking about
  all the extra scrolling I have to do makes my cts act up. We are in
  the 21st century
  and using wide screen lcd monitors. Let's not format our code to fit
  80 column amber text screens please!

  What's worse is I've found that some people are actively breaking
  existing source code to 80 columns, causing a bunch of unnecessary
  merge activities.

For those folks who use Eclipse [9]Alex has checked in his Eclipse
profile to tools/eclipse/eclipse.epf. It will help with a number of
issues, such as removing trailing white space, reformats edited
portions of the file using the current formatting rules, and more.

### Changing Bug Severity

Prasanna Santhanam [10]noted that some bugs have changed severity
without any reason given. Any time a change of this sort of
significance is made in Jira, some reason should be given so that other
users can have some idea why the change was made without having to
track down the person responsible and ask.

Prasanna asks:

  Can the bug reporters please mention the
  reason as to how something :

  a) blocks movement on the feature/installation/cloudstack in general
  b) affects deployment and does not have workarounds via the API
  c) troubleshooting done with respect to a and b.

  Here's some light reading on how to have bugs resolved faster:

Chip replied:

  +1 with an added "d)":

  d) needs to be considered a release blocker for a legal, security or
  trademark reason

### Name space

Dharmesh Kakadia one of our Google Summer of Code participants has
[12]started a discussion on changing the future namespace convention
for Apache CloudStack. The current namespace has been in place since
the original Cloud.com implementation. As Dharmesh states, this is a
big change, please join the discussion on how we can make this a
successful switchover.

  Since the cloudstack project has moved to ASF, the suggestion is to
  move from com.cloud packages to org.apache java

  As you might be realize, this is pretty big change. And merging this
  changes with a continuously updating master is non-trivial. So, here
  is the planned strategy after discussion over IRC. I am starting
  this thread to inform and know everyone's opinions.

  1. I will be pushing code with new packages on branch
  "namespacechanges" and will notify on this thread as each refactored
  module is pushed.

  2. There will be a freeze on master branch commits for some time in
  which "namespacechanges" will be applied to master. I suggest the
  date to be 20th July.

  3. All the branch-owner updates their branch for reflect new
  packages. It was suggested that branch owners can look into the
  "namespacechanges" branch as it grows and start doing the package
  changes early, although it depends on branch-owners.

### In-Development Release Naming

While we are still hard at work at getting 4.2 out the ready and out to
the world, John Burwell has [14]proposed moving to release naming until
a release has gotten to feature freeze and it can be judged on what the
semantic version number change should be. There's been a lot of
discussion on this topic. We would probably look to start this in the
next release if it can come to a vote.

  Since we have adopted Semantic Versioning [15]1, it seems odd that
  we designate a release version before the final set of
  enhancements/fixes has been identified. For example, the release
  proceeding 4.2 may contain no backwards compatible API changes to be
  4.3. Conversely, we may decide during the development cycle, as a
  community, to accept a non-backwards compatible change which would
  bump the version to 5.0.0. As such, it is difficult to know in
  advance what the proper semantic version number will be at when the
  work is released. We run the risk of confusing our users if we start
  calling a pending release say 4.3.0, and accept a change mid-cycle
  that will bump it to 5.0.0. To address this potential issue, I
  proposed that we refer to releases by a codename until feature
  freeze when we understand the complete scope of change and can apply
  the correct semantic version number. I further propose we codename
  the release directly proceeding 4.2 "Gamma Rays" or "Gamma Rays
  Gonna Get Ya".

##  CloudStack Planet

What's going on in the CloudStack community? While all the discussion
happens on the mailing lists, we also encourage members of the
CloudStack community to share what they're working on their blogs. In
this section, you'll find posts by Apache CloudStack community members
and interesting news that's relevant to Apache CloudStack.

### CloudStack European User Group Summary

[16]The ShapeBlue blog has a summary of the most recent meeting, by
Giles Sirett.

### Apache Whirr and CloudStack for Big Data in the Clouds

Sebastien Goasguen has a [17]tutorial on his blog about using Apache
Whirr with CloudStack. "In this tutorial we introduce Apache Whirr, an
application that can be used to define, provision and configure big
data solutions on CloudStack based clouds. Whirr automatically starts
instances in the cloud and boostrapps hadoop on them. It can also add
packages such as Hive, Hbase and Yarn for map-reduce jobs."

### In Case You're Not Already Sold on DevOps

Joe Brockmeier [18]talks a bit about Gene Kim's keynote at the
CloudStack Collaboration Conference, "Why Every Company Needs DevOps

### Hackathon Storage Group Puts Out Discussion and Proposal

John Burwell who led the storage discussion group during the CloudStack
Collaboration Conference Hackathon put out the first group discussion
on the future needs and a proposal on how to better define storage for
future versions of CloudStack. [19]Read the and participate in the
discussion and weigh-in on the proposal.

### Interview with The Cloudcast (.net)

Chip Childers and David Nalley sit down with Aaron Delp for the
Cloudcast podcast. [20]Be sure to give it a listen!

### New Videos Coming Soon From Our Summer Video Project

Gregg Witkin and Jessica Tomechak are [21]working together on videos
this summer. Gregg hit the ground running by bringing his cameras to
the Collab Conference June 24-25 in Santa Clara. He is editing that
footage into short clips to help promote the November CloudStack
Collaboration Conference in Amsterdam.

These short videos will be posted as soon as the conference organizers
approve them. Meanwhile, check out these videos Gregg did with
CloudStack just last year. [22]Link 1, [23]Link 2

## Events

   * [24]Apache CloudStack Meetup in Hyderabad, India on July 20th.
     Location is TBD, but will be published on Meetup.com.
   * [25]O'Reilly's Open Source Convention (OSCON) is being held July
     22-26 at Oregon Convention Center, Portland Oregon. There will be
     several CloudStack talks.
   * CloudStack Study Meeting Suzuki-san will be organizing a study
     meeting in Osaka on August 2.
   * [26]OSC Kyoto The [27]Japanese CloudStack User Group (JCSUG) will
     be presenting at the Open Source Conference in Kyoto on August 2-3.
   * [28]CloudStack Meetup at SAP Labs in Palo Alto, CA on August 7th
     from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Be sure to RSVP on Meetup.com!

## New Committers and PMC Members

No new committers or PMC members have been announced in the last
newsletter period.


   1. http://markmail.org/message/snon6ljkti6fgq4k
   2. http://s.apache.org/BlH/
   3. http://markmail.org/message/aitv5264swzwpedh
   4. http://markmail.org/message/jgci4s7afqi6ix4u
   5. http://markmail.org/message/r3rqsxnrsvjm7gwx
   6. http://markmail.org/message/5mwy2yuc5bvcg2qz
   7. http://markmail.org/message/z2hzz7efujgmhfnh
   8. https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Coding+conventions
   9. http://markmail.org/message/frkn3pm7tc74yqvk
  10. http://markmail.org/message/lllacr6tb64yqxly
  11. http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
  12. http://markmail.org/message/dzixkixurzlskqik
  13. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-212
  14. http://markmail.org/message/dxv7aeirjz5itwdp
  15. http://semver.org/
  16. http://www.shapeblue.com/cloudstack/cloudstack-european-user-group-summary/
  17. http://sebgoa.blogspot.com/2013/07/apache-whirr-and-cloudstack-for-big.html
  18. http://buildacloud.org/blog/272-why-every-company-needs-devops-now.html
  19. http://markmail.org/message/hh5wmffsquqwjx6m
  20. http://www.chipchilders.com/blog/2013/7/2/interview-with-the-cloudcast-net.html
  21. http://markmail.org/thread/rs7paw6wfs4kktwh
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ4b8HFmFTc
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KATuxn5pimY
  24. http://www.meetup.com/CloudStack-Hyderabad-Group/events/125208462/
  25. http://www.oscon.com/oscon2013
  26. http://www.ospn.jp/osc2012-kyoto/
  27. http://cloudstack.jp/
  28. http://www.meetup.com/CloudStack-SF-Bay-Area-Users-Group/events/117379992/


Joe Brockmeier
jzb @ zonker.net
Twitter: @jzb

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